Preston Geotechnical Consultants, LLC provides a wide range of environmental services throughout the state of Georgia.
Following is a list of the most commonly provided services:
NPDES Monitoring/ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Monitoring
Preston can provide all levels of erosion and sediment control including E&S Site Inspections, Turbidity Sampling, and all reporting requirements of the NDPES Permits GAR 100001, 10002, and 100003.
Preston’s technicians that perform the site inspections and turbidity analysis are all certified by the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission (GSWCC) Level IA and Level IB programs.
- NPDES Permit Preparation – Notice of Intent, Notice of Termination, & EPD Fee Form
- Monthly Report Preparation & Submittal to GaEPD
- Local Issuing Authorities Land Disturbing Activities Permit Preparation & Submittal
- Weekly, Storm Event, & Monthly NPDES Inspections
Asbestos Inspection and Testing prior to structure demolition or rehabilitation to determine asbestos presence and significance in accordance with the US Environmental Protection Agency under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act 40 CFR 763 (AHERA).
Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments are typically performed for property owners, buyers, banks, attorneys, and developers to identify recognized environmental conditions which previously existed or currently exist on a project site. These assessments are performed in accordance with ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-12 “Standard and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiry,” Final Rule (40 CFR Part 312).
Wetland Delineation and Permitting in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and as administered by the US Army Corps of Engineers and the US Environmental Protection Division.
Lead Based Paint Inspection and Testing as regulated by Georgia DNR/EPD Chapter 391-3-24 and US EPA TSCA 40 CFR Part 745 including securing of site samples for testing of total lead concentrate and for percent lead by weight. Results are useful in guiding materials handling and disposal methods during demolition.