We have our own truck mounted drill rig and sufficient equipment to conduct a variety of subsurface investigations in order to determine the engineering properties of soils and rock. Specifically, we have the equipment, personnel, and experience to perform test holes in accordance with Penetration Tests and Split Barrel Sampling of Soils ASTM D 1586 as well as auger borings in accordance with Soil Investigation and Sampling by Auger Borings ASTM D 1452. In addition, where conditions limit drill rig access, we also have equipment and personnel to perform Orchard Barrel Sampling of Soils by Hand Auger in accordance with ASTM D 1452 STP 399. A Field Investigation Program is prepared under the direct supervision of a registered professional engineer experienced in soils and geology. An analysis is then made of the samples and date secured in the field and a written report is prepared.
This report is reviewed by a registered professional engineer and contains the results of the investigation along with recommendations concerning the type of foundations, anticipated settlement and safe soil bearing capacities. The client and the structural consultant can then evaluate the findings and recommendations for use in design of the structure.